Social media


Social media coaching is a comprehensive introduction to the possibilities offered by social media for your company’s staff. It is beneficial for companies’ visibility on social media that the organization’s experts also publish under their own names. Social media coaching aims to lower the threshold for publishing and encourage your presence on social media as an expert in your field, strengthening your company’s position.

The social media training aimed at experts familiarizes you with how Finns use different social media channels. In addition, we will review what the user profiles of the channels are like and what types of topics are discussed on which channels.

The training shows how your staff can influence the company’s visibility on social media, for example, by sharing content on their own channels. In addition, we will get to know what kind of content should be presented on different channels. We will also go through the rules of the game on social media and briefly what should and should not be done on social media.

We tailor the coaching for your company according to your wishes and goals. The participants can be limited to management team members, for example, or it can be aimed at the entire staff. The content of the training can be a general lecture on the topic, or it can also be modified to be inclusive.

Individual sparring

If necessary, social media training can continue with individual sparring. It focuses more on the social media presence of a particular expert in your organization and its construction.

Earned media

Our trainers will also tell you how journalists use social media to make stories and how your company’s representatives can build media relations with traditional media with the help of social media.

Content marketing

Content marketing is an essential part of a company’s marketing communications strategy, as it offers the opportunity to stand out from competitors and create connections with the public that are deeper than advertising. The focus of content marketing is not your product or service but the production of added value through topics of interest to the target group.

Social media

With our help, your company’s story will also be consistently told on social media. Together with our social media experts, we create a social media communication plan that supports your company’s commercial goals, the cornerstone of content production. On Some, communication is easily measurable and effective – at best, it offers a multiple return on investment compared to other means.

01 Our social media experts

Our social media specialists know social media inside out. Whether your company needs content production, creating a social media strategy and plan, or influencer marketing, Republic’s experienced experts will help you achieve your social media goals.

02 Influencer marketing

The company’s visibility on social media can also be boosted by collaborating with influencers. At its best, influencer marketing works as word of mouth – a recommendation or review from an acquaintance strongly influences our opinions. We look for the most suitable influencers for your goals and implement campaigns to achieve them.

03 Preparing for a social emergency

Sometimes, the result of being active on social media can be a social upheaval. Our experts help you understand when there is a commotion on social media and when there is a crisis starting from social media. In the social media strategy and content plan, it is also good to be prepared for possible damage to reputation. Social coaching lets your experts know how to avoid the worst pitfalls.

Ask more about social media coaching

Talk with us about your social media training needs by leaving us your contact info and we’ll in touch as soon as possible.